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CCTV footage places Treasurer near Sewram murder scene

CCTV footage places Treasurer near Sewram murder scene

Chilling closed camera television (CCTV) footage showing convicted murderer Sabelo Advocate Dlamini together with alleged accomplices Wiseman Nxumalo and former policeman Brian Treasurer leaving the vicinity shortly after Raisethorpe doctor Bhavish Sewram was shot dead outside his surgery, was shown as evidence in the High Court this week.

Treasurer’s advocate Bob Bahadur is expected to bring an application on Thursday for Treasurer’s acquittal for lack of evidence against him.

The recorded evidence was deeply upsetting for the Sewram family with the doctor’s widow Yuvadia describing this week as particularly “heartbreaking and painful”.

“This is the first time I am hearing all of this. It is painful,” she said.

Treasurer and Nxumalo are facing murder charges relating to the 2013 killing of Dr Bhavish Sewram. It is alleged that Rajivee Soni had paid Treasurer to organise the killing of Sewram, whom he believed had had an affair with his wife.

Shortly after his arrest Dlamini confessed being the triggerman and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. The state thereafter separated the trial of Soni from that of Treasurer and Nxumalo.

The CCTV footage obtained from the Fusion Lounge parking lot security camera in Raisethorpe shows Treasurer driving to Ramphal Road, parking his car at Fusion Lounge, and then walking to a nearby footpath that leads to Greytown Road. A few minutes later he is seen running back to his car and two men are seen emerging from the path and running up the road.

Treasurer then drives off in their direction and stops in Gogas Road for the men to jump into the vehicle. Dlamini testified the gun he used to kill Sewram was given to him by Nxumalo who in turn allegedly obtained it from Treasurer.

“Nxumalo told me to come with him to the car and that’s when I was first introduced to Treasurer,” Nxumalo said.

He added “here is the man who is going to do the job”and Nxumalo gave Treasurer the gun which he cocked. “Treasurer told me to do the job that Nxumalo had briefed me on. I got a fright and I was scared… Treasurer promised to pay me R12 000.”

Dlamini said that they were driven and dropped off on Greytown Road by Treasurer who pointed out Sewram’s surgery and told them that “when the lights go off, the male that exits the property, is the person they must kill”.

He said Treasurer gave them a detailed and accurate description of Sewram.

“When the lights at the surgery went off, I saw a female walk out first and thereafter the male who seemed to be locking the surgery. I came closer to the vehicle and when I was directly opposite the window I drew the gun, directed it at the male and pulled the trigger three times,” testified Dlamini.

After shooting Sewram he followed Nxumalo and ran up the footpath and jumped into the car with Treasurer who then made a call and “informed the person on the line that the job had been done”.

Dlamini said that after the murder Treasurer drove them to their homes and then to a traditional healer for “cleansing”.

The trial continues.


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