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Second ‘sexual assault’ victim testifies in Soni trial

Another woman testified to falsely charging doctor with sexual assault

Another witness has admitted to falsely charging a Raisethorpe doctor with sexual assault. The 23-year-old woman told the High Court that her step dad asked her to do it and that she agreed to do so because the doctor had apparently made sexual advances to her previously.

Sonali Sukraj is now the second state witness to testify for the state that false sexual assault charges were brought against Dr. Bhavish Sewram in an alleged campaign of terror being waged against the doctor by his former best friend Rajivee Soni from Mountain Rise.

Soni is accused of being the mastermind who paid for Dr Sewram, a father of two, to be shot dead outside his Raisethorpe surgery in May 2013. Soni is also facing charges of aggravated assault and defeating the ends of justice.

Sukraj said that she was working at her step dad’s tuck shop in Copesville when he (Zaheer Khan) asked her to frame the doctor.

“I agreed to go along with the plan to frame the doctor the same day. After I had agreed, he (the step dad) left the shop and jumped into a white double cab that was parked outside the shop. There were two guys in the front seats,” testified Sukraj telling the court that one of the men in the bakkie was Rajivee Soni.

Sukraj said her dad later returned for her and that was when she went to Sewram’s surgery to allegedly put in action the plan to frame the doctor.

“We then went to the surgery and I went in complaining of a headache. The doctor examined me and gave me medication. I paid him and walked out. Thereafter I went with my step dad to open a charge of sexual assault… I complained that the doctor touched me sexually on my breasts and thighs. This wasn’t true,” testified Sukraj.

Defense lawyer Naren Sangham however questioned Sukraj on her detailed statement made to the police about the apparent sexual assault and then read out to the court a graphical account of Sukraj’s statement. Sukraj then dropped a bombshell claiming she framed Sewram because he had previously sexually assaulted her.

“You were examined by a medical practitioner who confirmed that you were very distressed, both mentally and emotionally. The doctor’s examination of you after this incident corresponds with your version that was given to the police. I find it very strange that you would hurt your leg at the tuck shop on the same day that you were going to see the doctor for this alleged set up,” said Sangham suggesting that the charge opened was in fact based on what had happened.

Sukraj disputed Sangham’s version.

“It didn’t happen on that day. I gave the statement in detail and did not tell her (the policewoman who took down the statement) that this had happened two years earlier. At the time that the incident did take place I did not open a case. I saw my step father’s request (to frame Sewram) as an opportunity to get back at the doctor for what he did,” testified Sukraj.

Sangham then told Sukraj that the accused was ‘nowhere near the tuck shop on the day she claimed he was and that he (Soni) would deny ever asking Sukraj to lay a false charge against the doctor. Judge Jacqualine Hendricks then interjected and clarified that Sukraj had not testified that Soni had requested her to open the false charge.

Previously, state witness Mariamma Kisten, who owned Molly’s Take Away in Raisethorpe, testified that she too opened a false sexual assault charge against Dr. Sewram and that she was paid R3000 for doing this.

The case continues on Monday.

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