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Surprise proposal at Midmar Mile finish

Rowan Budding proposes to Liska Van Laren both of Hillcrest with a ring on Valentines Day after they finished the Midmar Mile. Picture Mark Wing

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A man proposed to his longtime girlfriend at the finish line of the Midmar Mile race this past weekend.

When 25 year old medical student Liska Van Laren dashed into the Midmar dam to swim her first aQuelle Midmar Mile on Sunday – which also happened to be Valentine’s Day – she did not foresee the surprise that was waiting for her at the finish line.

Swimming at a faster pace than normal, chartered accountant Rowan Budding, 27, the guy she had been dating for nine years, had to ensure he got to the finish line before her – so he could meet her on bended knee with a ring to present to her in a surprise wedding proposal.

And when Van Laren, got out of the water, her thrill at finishing her first race turned to joy, upon seeing a jubilant Budding, who had no hesitation in asking her to be his wife – bringing the race and Valentine’s day to a perfect end. Without a moment’s hesitation, a breathless and startled Van Laren accepted and now plans are afoot for a wedding some time at the end of this year.

Following in his parent’s footsteps – they got engaged on Valentine’s Day almost 30 years ago – Budding said his decision to propose to Van Laren after the race was spontaneous.

“I entered the aQuelle Midmar Mile with friends in January with no intention other than participating in the race. It was only recently that I got the idea to propose to Liska at the finish line. It was a bonus that it was on Valentine’s day as my parents also got engaged on the 14th nearly 30 years ago!” he said.

The couple, both from Durban, met nine years ago in Kloof and continued a long distance relationship while they studied in different locations, Budding being in the North West University (NWU) and Van Laren at the University of KwaZulu Natal.

“We have always done just about everything together and share similar interests. We support one another during tough times and have the same group of friends. We fit well into one another’s lives which made it easy for me to know that she was the one,” said Budding.

With no wedding date set as yet, the couple, however, plan on tying the knot “somewhere in the Midlands” .

“The Midlands is an obvious choice as we both like the outdoors – and that’s why swimming during the week and mountain biking over weekends is high on our to-do list. We also go diving every now and then,” said Budding.

An ecstatic Van Laren, who described the proposal as “being swept of her feet” said she would marry Budding “tomorrow if she could”.

“He has been my best friend for quite a while now and I honestly can’t imagine my life without him. I love how kind he is and how I can talk to him about everything. After dating for 9 years, he has a very special place in my heart that nobody will ever be able to compete with. I love that Rowan is able to make me calm and feel safe when life around me gets too hectic. When I get home from a busy day and feel a little down, he always makes me happy,” said Van Laren.

Reciprocating Van Laren’s sentiments, Budding said: “I love her most for her willingness to do anything for me. Not necessarily just the dishes,” laughed Budding, adding that “she also accepts me for who I am. We really like getting away from home over the weekends, even if it is only for a braai with friends or a movie,” he said.

“I am so blessed to have him in my life and he is the absolute best,” laughed Van Laren who said she could not wait to be married.

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