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Mulbarton resident launches first book

“My secret is that I believe in God like a child.” – Irmgard Bekker.

IRMGARD Bekker is a proud Mulbarton resident who recently celebrated the launch of her first book at the Kardia Family Church in Suideroord.

The elegant launch of Who Moved My Potholes was graced by Bekker’s close family and friends on Saturday, September 30. Bekker is married for 35 years now to the love of her life (read more about that epic union in the book).

“God has been good to me since I was five years old and I have seen many miracles in my life and within my family. Throughout the last 27 years, I have been in pursuit of correctly discerning the voice of God and walking in faith, navigating through potholes. My secret is that I believe in God like a child,” said Bekker.

An instruction was given to Bekker by God, through prophecy (the spoken or revealed Word) by Pastor André van Heerden after praying for her and anointing her with oil saying: “…The Lord says ‘You must take that which I’ve given you and put it in book form. You must put it in book form! It is now the time! It is now the time for that which I’ve taught you; that which I’ve shown unto you. It is time to put it in book form for those – there will be many that will benefit from it. I want to get it out! I want to get it out! I want to get it out now!’”

Originally from the Vaal, Bekker spoke of how she has never thought of being an author or writing but did this in obedience to God.

According to Pastor André this is a book that you can use as a practical step by step handbook on faith, a guide to not only hearing but obediently ‘listening’ to the voice and instructions from God to personally experience God’s divine intervention and love for those who dare to believe and call upon His name.

“Irmgard Bekker has done a great service in writing this book. During the most challenging time in the history of mankind, she has brought the truth forward for all believers as well as those seeking guidance and hope in a world full of doubt and disbelief. Through her childlike faith and unwavering trust in her first love, He has journeyed with her, revealing His never-changing and ever-faithful character in and through every step of her life which reminds me of Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.”

Who Moved My Potholes is a manual for every believer seeking inspiration and motivation to face the inevitable challenges of life, trusting in the Giver of abundant life, operating in faith and following the Good Shepherd through the voice of His Spirit residing inside of man.

This book is a treasury of testimonies and real-life experiences – unquestionable and undeniable truths experienced by Irmgard and identifiable by believers during their day-to-day lives,” read Pastor André’s testimony.

Bekker also has a few other members, close friends and family testify on the book. Hennie Meyers said: “There is nothing more authentic than our personal testimony concerning the ability of Christ to help us deal with life. Irmgard has shared her story and the grace of God to overcome the stumbling blocks of life and use them for the glory of God.”

The master of ceremonies of the book launch was Shereen Hunter. There were two readings from the book and gifts were given to those who played a significant role in getting the book published.

“Within the pages of this book are the keys that every believer needs to unlock the heart of God. The book is easy to read and will have you in tears and fits of laughter at various intervals. Irmgard has a gift for making the most multifaceted biblical principles practical. This book is a must-read for those who want to cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord,” said Shereen Hunter.

Another testimony from Roland Lyne read as follows: “There is so much in this world that is fake, misleading and downright crooked. It is therefore refreshing indeed to encounter someone who has led real encounters with the Living God and who honestly shares her reactions, resistances and even rebukes that have moulded her to the point where she submitted to the leading of the Lord and, often at a considerable personal cost, persevered and produced this book to bring glory to Him and help others to recognize that God is real and is truly alive and still in control. Do yourself a favour and read it just as it is and don’t make a judgement until the end.”

This book is a definite must-read for those who want to get back on track spiritually and for the lovers of God who want to read on simple daily miracles.

Now having successfully launched her first book, Bekker will be starting her second book in January. Who Moved My Potholes is being sold for only R250 and you can call 082 569 3165 to order or visit

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