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Conversations with strangers: A car guard

We caught up with Bheki Ephoka who is a car guard at the Comaro View Shopping Centre.

THE CHRONICLE caught up with Bheki Ephoka (31) who is a car guard at the Comaro View Shopping Centre.

Bheki has lived in Rosettenville since he moved to South Africa from the Congo in 2007. Since relocating to SA he has worked as a car guard at the Comaro View Shopping Centre for 10 years. He spoke of his wife and child back home in the Congo and how he sends money to them every month.

The diligent worker does not drink or do any drugs. Instead, he shared his dreams with us saying that he would one day like to go to school and get a better education to provide a better life for his family. Bheki is a hands-on man and can do many tasks such as painting, gardening or any odd jobs.

If you would like to help Bheki, feel free to contact him on 071 067 2288.

Bheki is a hard-working person who willingly smiled and shared his story with us. Thank you, Bheki for having a conversation with a stranger.

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